

Portfolio Acquisition & Disposal Advice

Innocent Group understand that business and personal demands on the portfolios of investors means that they are ever-changing. If you are looking to alter your portfolio, or are looking to achieve specific objectives, then our team can be on hand to provide expert advice on all matters from management to finance. Speak to us for a no-obligation initial discussion.


Joint Venture Investment Opportunities

Our team partners with investors to mutually benefit both parties; your investment allows us to grow our property business and, in turn, we offer you very healthy returns on investment. Innocent Group recommends that anybody dissatisfied with their current interest rate or investments get in touch to find out more.
A recent investment ‘case study’ is shown below.


Off-Market ‘Deal Sourcing’

In our day to day business, we speak to a large number of homeowners and landowners. Therefore, we often understand when these parties are intending on selling, before the property reaches the open market, and can bring investors together with these opportunities earlier. We also proactively ‘deal source’ across our network of contacts.
Get in touch now to tell us what you’re looking for. 


If you are an investor with property goals in mind, or have an upcoming project, we would love to hear from you and explore partnering with you. The Innocent Group team will be more than happy to provide you with no obligation advice on, or quotations for, what you are considering. Get in touch using the link below.